The Alli Worthington Show

Author, speaker, entrepreneur, and mom to five sons, Alli Worthington, hosts her show built on one simple premise- bring on people she loves, respects, and wants to learn from. You will love the fun interview-style conversations followed by coaching time, where Alli answers listener questions about faith, business, and life. Alli is also the author of Standing Strong, Breaking Busy, Fierce Faith, and The Year of Living Happy. She loves speaking at conferences about faith, business, and living life well.

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Monday Oct 23, 2023

In January 2020, I started Called Creatives with my friend and co-founder, Lisa Whittle, because we want to give other women what we did not have when we were starting out writing and speaking.  We are celebrating today because Called Creatives is open for new members! This only happens twice a year, and I’m so excited for all of the women who will join us! If writing and speaking are dreams in your heart, you may be surprised to learn that they are crafts that anyone can learn.  Lisa and I teach you what we’ve learned along the way. And we do it in a place where you can find community with women who get it. Called Creatives is that place! Lisa and I recently got together for a Called Creatives Getaway. While there, we took some time to talk about five things we see that hold women back. We dove into why these five things are so prevalent and what we can do about them.  Join Lisa and I as we talk about:  Why you don’t actually need people to believe in your dreams, and what you really need instead How isolation feeds our self-doubt  Why Lisa says there is no such thing as self-promotion One great gift that can be found in failure The impact of a growth mindset on your success Favorite quotes: “Self doubt will stop you before you ever get started. You should not wait for the day you are going to feel completely confident.” “You don’t need people to believe in your dream. You need them to believe in you.” “It is key to get people around you to overcome that self-doubt.” “Writing and speaking is an art and a craft that can be learned. You are not born knowing how to do it.” “The wise person always says where can I grow. There is never a moment that there isn’t something else to learn.” “It is never going to be the right time. It is never going to feel perfect. You are never going to feel confident but if you just keep going in the right direction you are going to get there.” “All you really have to do is get the small wins. When you add up enough of the small wins you will find that you actually made a lot of forward progress.” Coaching this week:  Aligning Your Actions with Your Values (50:10) Links to great things we discussed:  Lisa Whittle Website Lisa Whittle Instagram Called Creatives U2 at the Sphere Where the Streets Have No Name - U2 Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli

Monday Oct 16, 2023

200 times per second, someone searches online to find the answer to the question, “Is God real?”  Atheist journalist-turned-Christian apologist Lee Strobel is here to talk with me about that crazy statistic (200 times per second?!), the answer to that big question, and the opportunity we have as believers.  Called “one of the evangelical community’s most popular apologists” by the Washington Post, Lee is the New York Times bestselling author of more than forty books. Lee and his wife, Leslie, have two adult children and live in Houston.  In his newest book, Is God Real?: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life, Lee gives a rational exploration of the proof of God’s existence.  Lean in and listen as Lee and I discuss:  What Lee found surprising in his research for this book Two big objections people have to God’s existence (and the reasoned answers we find in research to those) How we can better understand the hiddenness of God Encouraging trends among sometimes-discouraging statistics around faith  Favorite quotes: “I am finding that physics, cosmology, the origin of the universe, and even genetics is putting powerfully towards the truth of scripture.” “Sometimes we think we are open to encountering or investigating God when in reality we hold back.” “God he has to walk a fine line. He has to make himself apparent so that we can find him if we seek him but also he has to remain hidden to some degree otherwise he overwhelms us and it takes away our free choice.” “We need to be ready to give an answer to anyone that asks about the hope we have.” “Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are going to be challenged on their faith in a way that other generations have not been and so we need to prepare ourselves so we can help prepare them to be able to know not just what we believe but why we believe it.” Coaching this week:  Secret for Not Having to Rely on Self Discipline  (27:13) Links to great things we discussed:  Lee Strobel Website Lee Strobel Instagram Lee Strobel Twitter Strobel Center Is God Real?: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life Gloria - The Shadows of Knight A Case for Christ Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity Only Murders in the Building I Thank God - JWLKRS Worship feat. Blake Wiggins and Ryan Ellis | Housefires Egg Cooker Alli’s Internship Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli

Monday Oct 09, 2023

How can I know if my boundaries are healthy? Is it okay to have boundaries in the first place? I know I need boundaries, but where and how do I start?  Do these questions sound familiar?  As women, we have so many questions about boundaries- what they are, how we put them in place, and if it is selfish to have them- and this episode is here to help!  Today’s show features some of the best advice I’ve ever received from experts on boundaries. I wanted to share it all with you, all in one place.  Boundaries are there to help you (and the people you love!) thrive, and by the end of this show, you’ll see how they do just that! Join us as we learn about:  Why boundaries are more than a good idea (because they’re God’s idea!) with Lysa TerKeurst  The difference between being approachable and being accessible with Sasha Shillcutt How to spot toxicity in others (and in our ourselves) with Gary Thomas Favorite quotes: “Boundaries are not just a good idea. They are God’s idea. He established the foundations of the world using boundaries. ” “Where there is chaos there is usually a lack of boundaries and a need for more intentional boundaries or healthy boundaries to be put in place.” “A boundary without a consequence is nothing but a bad suggestion.”  “If you don’t have boundaries in your life, someone will have them for you.” “We want to be women who are approachable. It doesn’t mean we have to be women who are always accessible.” “I walk away from toxic people not to go binge Netflix. I walk away to invest with reliable people. I walk from toxic relationships into healthy relationships.” Coaching this week:  Assume Positive Intent  (33:40) Links to great things we discussed:  Lysa TerKeurst Website Lysa TerKeurst Instagram Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are Sasha Shillcutt Website Sasha Shillcutt Instagram Gary Thomas Website Gary Thomas Instagram When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People A Haunting in Venice Only Murders in the Building A1A - Jimmy Buffett Beaded Stretch Bracelet Set 5pc - Universal Thread™ Gold Remaining You While Raising Them Alli’s Internship Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli

Monday Oct 02, 2023

Friendship is not always easy. This is true for all phases of life, but especially as adults!  How do we, as grown-ups, do friendship well? Where is this “village” of friends we’ve all heard so much about? What does it look like when friendships are healthy?  If you’ve ever asked questions like these or struggled with friendship (and haven’t we all?!), today’s episode is for you! I have pulled together some of my favorite conversations on friendship to bring you the best of friendship today.  Whether you are starting over in a new place or you’ve had the same handful of friends for years, these insights will benefit friendships in all different stages! Lean in close as we talk about :  Why it really is okay (and even good) for friendships to have different levels of depth with Laura Tremaine Building your village with Jennie Allen The difference between self-preservation and good boundaries with Andi Andrew Favorite quotes: “We have so many ideas of what women's friendships should be. You need to have people that are bringing different things to the table. It is not all heart to hearts and margaritas.” “When we expect to disappoint people and we expect them to disappoint us there is a lot more grace in the world to mess up and work it out.” “Everything about friendship is awkward. There is no getting around it. In that awkwardness has been the richest part of life.” “Boundaries are about valuing ourselves and others, so when we practice healthy boundaries we are empowered to build healthy relationships that are grounded in love.”  Coaching this week:  How you present yourself to the world and why it matters. (30:28) Links to great things we discussed:  Remaining You While Raising Them Alli’s Internship Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli

Monday Sep 25, 2023

What is the secret to real self-care? How can we move from self-care to soul care?  If you’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed, or maybe you’re just going through the motions, this episode is for you!  Today’s show features one of my favorite chapters from my newest book, Remaining You While Raising Them: The Secret Art of Confident Motherhood, and it’s all about one magic question that will change how you care for yourself.  If you are not a mom or are not actively in your mothering years, I hope you’ll stick around! The magic question we are talking about today is something that will help you in every season of life.  Join me for this chapter to hear:  Why so many women struggle with what it looks like to take care of ourselves One magic question you can ask to help you care for yourself in a practical way A modification to the magic question if you find it hard to answer (most women do, especially at first!) Six things to consider when you’re deciding if someone’s opinion has merit in your life The permission slip you may need to have your needs met Favorite quotes: “Slacker parenting” was my tongue-in-cheek way of saying that parents have permission to focus on the majors, not the minors. Not every little thing has to be perfect.” “We do not have to play by anyone else’s rules or live up to their expectations.” “Our biggest issue is asking ourselves what we need.” “As we mother our children, we need to learn to mother ourselves too.” “My relationship with God is the most fulfilling thing in my life. My family brings me deep joy and happiness but my relationship with God gives my life meaning and purpose.” “Asking “What do I need right now?” is a smart first step in getting your needs met.” “The magic question will not only help you survive motherhood, it will also help you thrive in light of the promise that God sees your needs and supplies them.” Coaching this week:  How to shift your mindset for perspective and freedom. (28:23) Links to great things we discussed:  Remaining You While Raising Them The Coach School The Coach School Instagram 3 Secrets to Become a Successful Coach Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli  

Monday Sep 18, 2023

Hey friend! Have you ever wondered if your past is too much for God to use you? What can He do with all of the ways we struggle? Have you ever bargained or wrestled with God?  One of my favorite guests (and fan-favorite!) Max Lucado is here to talk with us about it all today.  Called “America’s Pastor” by Christianity Today, Max is the bestselling author of 45 books and counting. He is a pastor and speaker who says he “writes books for people who don’t read books.” Max is a father of three, grandfather of two, and he lives with his wife in San Antonio.  In his newest book, God Never Gives Up on You: What Jacob’s Story Teaches Us About Grace, Mercy, and God’s Relentless Love, Max examines the life of Jacob in Scripture, how God loved and pursued Jacob, and what that means for us.  Join Max and I for a great conversation as we talk about:  Where he gets his  book ideas Why there aren’t as many books about Jacob as there are about biblical heroes like Daniel and David How to discern when our understanding of God has become too small Why Max connects with and treasures the story of Jacob God’s faithfulness to his people, no matter what You’ll also love hearing my chat with Max about how to have hope in a divided world. Check it out here. Favorite quotes: “In the story of Jacob he is hot and cold, in and out, weak, and then he’s strong. He has dreams and then he wrestles with God. Then he falls and flops. It is every person’s story.” “Jacob’s relationship is a transactional relationship with God. You do this. I’ll do that. That really strikes home with many of us.” “All of us go through some negotiation or transactional relationship with God.” “It is okay to wrestle with these things. Ultimately there is one authority and it is not you or me.” “Be kind to yourself. God hasn’t given up on you. Don’t give up on yourself.” Coaching this week:  Three truths about business you won’t find anywhere else on the internet.  (31:40) Links to great things we discussed:  Max Lucado Website God Never Gives Up on You: What Jacob’s Story Teaches Us About Grace, Mercy, and God’s Relentless Love These Days - Jackson Browne The Chosen 1883 1923 PXG Golf Irons The Wino and I Know - Jimmy Buffett Migration - Jimmy Buffett The Coach School The Coach School Instagram 3 Secrets to Become a Successful Coach Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli  

Monday Sep 11, 2023

In a recent survey, 3,000 people were asked, “Do you feel like you are living up to your full potential?” I was shocked to find out that 96% of them said no! How did we get here, and how can we change that?  My friend Jon Acuff and I had a great conversation all about our potential: what “potential” refers to, how we can reach it, and some pitfalls to avoid along the way. If you want to close the gap between your dreams and your reality without causing yourself to burn out in the process, this conversation is for you!!  Jon is one of INC’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers and the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including his most recent, All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential. He’s a husband and dad to two teenage girls, living outside Nashville.  Lean in and listen as Jon and I discuss:  How to get around the massive barrier between you and what you want to do? (Jon calls this barrier “the vision wall”) The difference between a high performer and a high achiever A fun tool that creates gratitude, teaches the superpower of self-awareness and will help you be present The only reason people leave their comfort zones The connection between personal responsibility and potential Jon’s last visit to the show was equally amazing, especially for parents of teens. The things we believed as teenagers can be so impactful. It is so encouraging to think about how the teens in our lives can learn to create new thoughts that lead to actions and even better results. Be sure to listen in to find out how! Favorite quotes: “You should dream but when your dream is divorced from reality it doesn’t end in a healthy marriage.” “Excellence is boring.” “Potential is the gap between your vision and your reality.”  “You're the CEO of your actions, not the CEO of your outcomes. Focus on those actions.” “The Best Moments list starts to teach you about what you want in the future. The list reflects your past, informs your present, and prepares your future.” “The only reason people leave the comfort zone is because what’s on the outside is better than what’s on the inside.”  “The harder the challenge, the kinder the words.” Coaching this week:  Automatic thoughts that can stop you from starting a business and how to battle them. (45:14) Links to great things we discussed:  Jon Acuff Website Jon Acuff Instagram All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential Homesick - Noah Kahan Busy Child - The Crystal Method The Grand Tour  BritBox Bose Headphones Leuchtturm Notebooks PowerSheets The Coach School The Coach School Instagram 3 Secrets to Become a Successful Coach Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli  

Monday Sep 04, 2023

Hey friend! Worry seems to be a routine part of life these days. As parents, it feels like we worry non-stop even though we don’t want our kids to worry. Is it even possible to reduce that anxiety?  My friend Sissy Goff has written amazing resources on raising worry-free kids, but her newest book, The Worry-Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too, is a resource for grown-ups.  What we do with our worry as parents impacts our kids more than we know, and that’s why Sissy and I went all in, both in this conversation and in our recent books. This conversation is too important not to!  Sissy is the author of multiple books and co-host of The Raising Boys and Girls podcast. She is a counselor who works with kids and their families in Nashville.  Join Sissy and I as we talk about:  Why this was the right book for Sissy to write, both as an author and as a therapist Best practices you can use if you find yourself struggling with anxiety, especially as a mom Five ways parents tend to respond to anxiety in our kids One common denominator Sissy sees in people of all ages who deal with anxiety How being hard on ourselves impacts our kids  Sissy’s advice for parents of perfectionists And after living through a pandemic, we are all uncertain, anxious and even a little bit cranky about things going back to normal. As adults, we have a lifetime of practice building coping strategies that work for our individual personalities and lifestyles. But what about our kids?  Don’t miss our previous conversation about the state of our kids in a post-pandemic world and how we can better support them. Favorite quotes: “Anxious parents raise anxious children.” “Anxiety spreads by the way we respond.” “Be present in the moment rather than focused on the only time you have left.” “Right now even more concerning is that parents feel like failures more than ever before.” “The way we  talk to ourselves is going to spill over onto others.” “You need to fail in front of your kids and laugh at yourself when you do it.” Coaching this week:  The Stages of Delegation  (37:09) Links to great things we discussed:  Sissy Goff Website Sissy Goff Instagram The Worry-Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too Goodness of God - Cece Winans Tom Lake The Bear K. McCarthy Meg 2 New York State of Mind - Billy Joel Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z Welcome to New York - Taylor Swift Ciate Dewy Blush The Coach School The Coach School Instagram 3 Secrets to Become a Successful Coach Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli  

Monday Aug 28, 2023

Hey hey! We’ve all had times when we wanted to quit, but why do some people lean in and stick with it when others check out? The answer to that question may surprise you!  My friend Bianca Juarez Olthoff wrote the book on grit and resilience, and we had a fantastic conversation about just that. What she learned while writing this book is both fascinating and encouraging, and I can’t wait for you to hear it! Bianca is a Bible teacher, host of the “We’re Going There” podcast, and author of three books, including her newest, Grit Don’t Quit: Developing Resilience and Faith When Giving Up Isn’t an Option. She is passionate about helping people live counter-culturally and significantly.  Bianca and I don’t hold back today!  Lean in and listen as we discuss:  The lost art of perseverance in a world where most things are easy and fast Encouragement (and a permission slip!) for when you feel behind 3 key elements of resilience (the best news: these are 3 things we can learn and practice) 3 people you should meet with before you decide to quit anything What kills our grit (and how to protect it)   Why our thought lives matter more than we know And don't miss Bianca's challenge results in the P. S. at the end of the show notes! Favorite quotes: “The best things in life will cost you the most and take you the longest.” “Keep going! Just because it is hard doesn’t mean you're not supposed to do it. Good things are hard.” “There are three key elements to people who are resilient and they are learnable and actionable.”  “Can you find a purpose for this season and make the most of it? Those are the people that are the grittiest and successful.” “Our mind matters so let’s make sure we are mindful of what we are thinking.” "Bet on yourself and invest in yourself. It is the one investment that is going to pay you back 100 times and you can’t lose." Coaching this week:  What is the best investment you can make in your business?  (34:43) Links to great things we discussed:  Bianca Juarez Olthoff Website Bianca Juarez Olthoff Instagram Grit Don’t Quit: Developing Resilience and Faith When Giving Up Isn’t an Option The Coach School The Coach School Instagram You Will Be Saved - Elevation Rhythm The Count of Monte Cristo Stephen Curry: Underrated Quarterback Noni Glow Face Oil Tumeric Glow Moisturizer  3 Secrets to Become a Successful Coach Lost Discovery Cove Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli P.S. Face Oil Challenge results: After a week of trials, the surprise results are in and Bianca isn't using face oil anymore! Stay tuned for more of my favorite recommendations in each episode of the show.  

Monday Aug 21, 2023

Hey friend! Have you ever struggled to tell the difference between making sure your needs are met and being selfish? Is there a difference? Lean in – today’s conversation is for you!  As we continue to talk about Remaining You While Raising Them and the secret art of confident motherhood, I couldn’t miss the chance to bring you a replay of a conversation I got to have last fall with a friend who is a pro on boundaries and showing up to your life with the best of yourself. You’ll discover how to set boundaries with care and compassion.  My friend Dr. Alison Cook is a Boston-based psychologist and author of two books, Boundaries for Your Soul and The Best of You.  She is a wife and mom to two adult children, and she specializes in bringing faith and psychology together for real change in people’s lives.  Join Alison and I for this conversation as we talk about:  How to find the healthy middle between never thinking of ourselves and only thinking of ourselves  Some commonly used (and misunderstood!) Scriptures that keep women playing small  Signs to look for when women give up on parts of themselves (and how to find our way back)  What it costs our loved ones when we shrink ourselves  Why noticing and naming struggles we see in ourselves is so essential to becoming whole Favorite quotes: “You can trust God and still feel anxious, overwhelmed, lonely, and broken inside.” “When I hide myself, make myself invisible, or play like a doormat it is not only bad for me, I’m not bringing the best of who I am to the people I love.” “When I’m really being my true self , when I’m aligned with myself, I’m empowering  other people which is what helps them heal and become who they really need to be.” “We are worth so much more than numbing through all the various ways we can check out. God wants so much more for us.” “When women are healthy we change the world.” Coaching this week:  What is the biggest mistake people make when starting a new project?  (41:41) Links to great things we discussed:  Alison Cook Website Alison Cook Instagram Alison Cook Facebook Boundaries for Your Soul The Best of You Easy on Me - Adele Abbott Elementary Armchair Expert Podcast Smartless Podcast Being Known Podcast The Ragamuffin Gospel Ruthless Trust Mattress Pads for Camping The Bear Christ Be In My Heart - Sam McCabe & Kristene DiMarco Order your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here. Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :) xo, Alli    

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