The Alli Worthington Show

Author, speaker, entrepreneur, and mom to five sons, Alli Worthington, hosts her show built on one simple premise- bring on people she loves, respects, and wants to learn from. You will love the fun interview-style conversations followed by coaching time, where Alli answers listener questions about faith, business, and life. Alli is also the author of Standing Strong, Breaking Busy, Fierce Faith, and The Year of Living Happy. She loves speaking at conferences about faith, business, and living life well.

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Monday Sep 09, 2024

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to throw your phone away and go live in a monastery or with the Amish for a bit? What would happen if you shut it all down and just changed your life temporarily? 
My friend Carlos did just that, and he has a story and some amazing insights for us today! This is going to be so fun. 
Carlos Whittaker is a bestselling author, speaker, worship leader, moment maker, spider killer, and hope dealer. Carlos is also the host of the popular Human Hope Podcast, hosted by the That Sounds Fun Network, led by author Annie F. Downs. 
In his latest book, Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human, Carlos shares the challenges, surprises, and profound insights of his self-imposed exile from technology. 
Join Carlos and I as we talk about:
His experience living in the monastery and living with the Amish
What his day-to-day looked like without any screens
How social media affects our mental health
Practical steps to limit technology and reconnect with those around you
Favorite Quotes: 
1:26 - “Only those who believe they can make a difference truly change the world. This applies to big dreams and daily achievements, too. Optimism is a powerful force.”
3:35 - “As you go about your day, how you present yourself sets the tone for those around you.”
4:49 - “It's really important to think about the types of people that you spend the most time with. You want to make sure that when you have a choice, you surround yourself with positive and optimistic people.”
12:07 - “Partner with God. Ask God to transform you in this way, to turn down the volume on negativity or pessimism. and turn up the volume on positivity and optimism.”
12:40 - “Don't get stuck letting your emotions always run the show. When you’re stuck in a negative mood or a spiral, Do something to shift your mood.”
13:48 - “The world is full of loud pessimists, but the world is built by optimists.”
Links to Great Things We Discussed:
Carlos Whittaker Website  
Carlos Whittaker Instagram  
Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human 
Swing Stick 
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Remaining You While Raising Them
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  
Make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don’t forget to check us out on YouTube and slap some stars on a review! :)

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Welcome to the first-ever solo coaching show on the podcast. Today, I’m talking about the Life-Changing Power of Boosting Your Optimism. I give you five easy tips to building optimism and share the changes that belief in yourself makes in your life. 
I share with you how belief in yourself achieves goals, builds your optimism muscle, and gets you where you want to go. I also give you some practical insight into what this looks like in your daily life. 
Let’s get started!
Favorite Quotes: 
1:26 - “Only those who believe they can make a difference truly change the world. This applies to big dreams and daily achievements, too. Optimism is a powerful force.”
3:35 - “As you go about your day, how you present yourself sets the tone for those around you.”
4:49 - “It's really important to think about the types of people that you spend the most time with. You want to make sure that when you have a choice, you surround yourself with positive and optimistic people.”
12:07 - “Partner with God. Ask God to transform you in this way, to turn down the volume on negativity or pessimism. and turn up the volume on positivity and optimism.”
12:40 - “Don't get stuck letting your emotions always run the show. When you’re stuck in a negative mood or a spiral, Do something to shift your mood.”
13:48 - “The world is full of loud pessimists, but the world is built by optimists.”
This week I'm sharing two products. The first is an IQ Bar. I buy these in bulk and love them. They’re all natural, dairy-free, and have 12 grams of protein. There’s not a flavor that I don’t love.
The other one is a beauty product. NYX is a delightful powder. It’s completely clear and blots up excessive oil. This is super affordable and is a perfect way to give your face a great touch up.
Links to Great Things:
IQ Bars   
NYX HD Studio Photogenic Finishing Powder  
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Remaining You While Raising Them
Little Things StudioLittle Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  
Make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don’t forget to check us out on YouTube and slap some stars on a review! :)

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

This is the first episode of the all-new Ali Worthington show.
Starting today, we're mixing it up: We will have two shows a week. Mondays will still be your interview, but I will do coaching, encouragement, and all of my recommendations on Thursdays. Just like the series we're in, “Good to Great,” I hope this takes the podcast up a level and that we continue to innovate, improve, and go from good to great. 
I’m with my powerhouse friend Natalie Runion for this week's “Good to Great” conversation. Today, we're focused on church—healthy church, healthy engagement, and healthy grounding in your local church in a way that's life-giving to you and the community. 
This is such an important topic, and as we are growing into women operating at our potential and Power by the Holy Spirit using all of the wisdom that we've learned through the years it's crucial for us to take that same passion and wisdom to church,  and Natalie's going to help us do that. 
Natalie Runion is the USA Today bestselling author of Raised to Stay: Persevering in Ministry When You Have a Million Reasons to Walk Away and the creator of the Raised to Stay Community (@raisedtostay). 
Her latest book, The House That Jesus Built: Leading Our Churches Back to God's Original Blueprint,  will stir your heart to see God’s churches realigned with the Great Commission and the Great Command.
Join Natalie and I as we talk about:
Church unification and focusing on doing what is best for God
The importance of being spiritually and emotionally healthy
Getting the help we need
Signs of a healthy flourishing church
Favorite Quotes: 
7:06 - “We need as women to not keep demanding to be heard but be faithful to the spaces where God has allowed us to use our voices.”
8:42 - “Sometimes the Lord asks us to sit in uncomfortable soil. Not because it’s fun or fair but because He wants to use it to bring change.”
14:32 - “Even if you’re not necessarily being unhealthy in person, we can be unhealthy online.”
15:25 - “As I was going through the scriptures, I realized the blueprint of a healthy church is found in scriptures. We don’t have to recreate this.”
18:23 - “One of the greatest gifts that we can give people in the church is knowing their face and their name, and as women, we are good at that.”
19:14 - “Seek to be a servant before you seek to be seen.”
Links to Great Things We Discussed:
Natalie Runion Website  
Natalie Runion Instagram   
The House That Jesus Built: Leading Our Churches Back to God's Original Blueprint   
My Beloved - Jesus Image     
Sound Mind - Mercy Culture Worship    
The King of Queens   
Girls Just Want to Have Fun  
Troop Beverly Hills   
Full House   
The West Wing   
Sparkling Gems from the Greek   
Nars Concealer    
Urban Decay Eyeshadow   
E.L.F. Liquid Blush   
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli on YouTube
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Aug 26, 2024

Welcome back! Today, we're starting the new series I'm calling “Good to Great” for taking all aspects of our life and saying “let's take this from good to great”. We have a couple of months of amazing guests and amazing topics. There are so many things that I've learned for the first time that I have absolutely been blown away by the power of small shifts in my life. 
Today, I'm with my good friend Dawn Sanders. I wanted to start with this conversation with Dawn for everyone who may be feeling like life has thrown them a curveball. If when you hear me say we're in “good to great”, you're like hey I'm not even in good right now, I wanted to start with a conversation for you. 
Dawn and I are going to talk about what it looks like when we have to overcome something challenging when life throws us a curveball, and how we rebuild life. Maybe for you, it's not that everything is challenging, but there is one part of life that's challenging. I think this is going to be a conversation for you that you're going to get a ton out of. 
Dawn Sanders is an associate minister at First Baptist Church of Glenarden, where she serves as the director of the sermon-based life groups ministry. Dawn has written and taught extensively on overcoming adversity and creating a new life, both at FBCG and on her personal blog.
Join Dawn and I as we talk about:
Dawn’s journey of unexpected loss and the process of writing her new book
Working through unresolved grief
Identifying grief triggers and healing
Taking time to heal vs. the pressure to move on
God’s creative process for rebuilding a life
Favorite quotes: 
5:56 - “I had a wonderful mentor who said, “You can lay in bed for two days, but on the third day like Jesus you have to rise if only to take a shower and get back in bed.”
9:15 - “We don’t know what the triggers for the grief are until the triggers happen.”
11:52 - “Take time in pockets where you can in order to let those feelings come.”
12:23 - “If you’re feeling betrayed, teased, angry, hurt, disappointed, feel that. Don’t let it go on and fester. The key is to not sin in it.”
16:19 - “The first step is just hovering with God and aligning ourselves with Him and waiting and trusting that he is going to shine some light.”
16:56 - “The first gift God gives us when He gives us life is time. He gives us time to heal and act.”
26:46 - “We have to be ready for the unexpected”. 
Links to great things we discussed: 
Dawn Sanders Website
Dawn Sanders Instagram
When Your World Ends: God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life
Goodness of God - CeCe Winans
Believe For It - CeCe Winans
The Lazarus Project
Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli Worthington. Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Coach.
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Welcome back! We are in a mini-series of two shows. These are my favorite shows where I get to bring you the best of the best around a certain topic.  
Today we're talking about how to make decisions and discern God's nudges. I'm bringing you some brilliant friends with lightbulb moments and action steps for us. 
Today we have - Emily P. Freeman, Andi Andrew, Havilah Cunnington, and Shauna Nieqiest. 
We're diving into everything from making big decisions, and navigating change well, to hearing God, and how to find your unique way. I’m not here to brag, but it’s a killer “best of” kind of show today!
Join us as we learn about:
Making big decisions with Emily P. Freeman
Navigating grief that comes with change with Andi Andrew
Hearing God’s voice with Havilah Cunnington
Finding our next self as life is changing with Shauna Niequist 
Favorite quotes: 
4:31 - Emily - “Just because it is not the right room for me anymore doesn’t mean I chose wrong in the first place and doesn’t mean I made a big mistake. It just means I am growing, and changing, and life is different now.”
9:20 - Emily - “Recognizing when you don’t feel a peace now means it is time to get curious. Sometimes we assume every flag is a red flag but sometimes a flag is just a flag or a yellow flag and it means slow down.”
13:23 - Andi - “There is a reason why the mourning process in the Bible was so wild and why they would put sackcloth and ashes and wail and mourn. They knew they needed to move it out of their bodies so that they could move forward in life.”
20:42 - Havilah - “The hardest person to hear God for is yourself because you have ulterior motives, desires, and a bad filter.”
23:15 - Havilah - “We want to hear God’s voice because you can’t have a relationship without His voice.”
30:47- Shauna - “If you feel overwhelmed by the mess that your life has become, don't try to go through that alone. Definitely a trained professional therapist is a major gift in that season.”
Links to great things we discussed: 
Emily P. Freeman Website
Emily P. Freeman Instagram
Andi Andrew Website
Andi Andrew Instagram
Havilah Cunnington Website
Havilah Cunnington Instagram
Shauna Niequist Website
Shauna Niequist Instagram
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli Worthington. Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Coach.
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Aug 12, 2024

Welcome back! We are in a mini-series of two episodes.  These are my favorite shows where I get to bring you the best of the best around a certain topic. Today, we're talking about boundaries and rest, and I'm bringing you some amazing people with so much wisdom to share.
We're diving into boundaries, sabbath rest, social pressure on women, practical strategies for incorporating rest, and more.  You see why this type of episode is my favorite! I'm just bringing you the best of the best this week and next week in this mini-series. 
If you want to establish boundaries and create space for rest, but you’re just not sure how to do that, this podcast will be a game-changer for you. 
Join us as we learn about:
The dangerous effects of busyness, why it’s so important to slow down, and Sabbath rest with John Mark Comer
How we can reframe work and rest in Christian culture with Terra Mattson
What women get wrong about boundaries with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
Practical strategies for incorporating rest with Jess Connolly
Favorite quotes: 
1:48 - John Mark Comer -
“There are two different types of busyness. There is the healthy kind of busyness that just says you have a lot to do and that you are not wasting your life on Netflix and Facebook, but you are doing something meaningful with your life. I am 100% for that kind of busyness, and by that definition, Jesus was very busy.”
3:44 - John Mark Comer -
“Love, joy, and peace are incompatible with hurry.”
8:12 - John Mark Comer -
“Some kind of a daily touch point of quiet with God where you come to rest is so important. Start where you are at not where you feel like you should be.”
11:39 -  Terra Mattson -
“Rest can look lots of different ways.”
15:03 - Sasha Shillcutt -
“Boundaries are more about keeping the good in than they are about keeping the bad out.”
26:46 - Jess Connolly  -
“Start with the small stuff, and it gives you the bravery for the big stuff.”
31:04 - Jess Connolly -
“I can extend my boundaries and borders to love and to take care of other people, but I have to have boundaries to extend first. I have to have a sense of self and wholeness with God with me before I can be generous with other people.”
Links to great things we discussed: 
John Mark Comer Website
John Mark Comer Instagram
Terra Mattson Website
Terra Mattson Instagram
Sasha Shillcutt Website
Sasha Shillcut Instagram
Jess Connolly Website
Jess Connolly Instagram
Build a Coaching Business Quick Start Challenge
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli Worthington. Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Coach.
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Aug 05, 2024

Welcome back to Smart Girl Summer. This is our final episode of the series, and we have the perfect smart girl for the finale. 
I’m with the delightful Stephanie May Wilson.  She is an entrepreneur, an author, and a mom of twin toddlers, which is super impressive.  Stephanie shares the behind-the-scenes that are so valuable to hear women talking about how they got to where they are and processing the details that no one ever gets to talk about. 
Stephanie May Wilson is an author, a podcaster, and a speaker. Through her books, her courses, and her chart-topping podcast, Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson, she has mentored more than a million women as they cultivate healthy, thriving relationships with God, their friends, their significant others, and themselves. 
Her latest book, Create a Life You Love: How to Quiet Outside Voices So You Can Finally Hear Your Own,  is a warm, passionate guide on how you can rediscover your own authority and build a life you're finally excited to live.
Join Stephanie and I as we talk about:
Stephanie’s background and journey
How God can change our hearts and our path forward
What is working and what is a challenge in your business
Building an audience the right way
Staying motivated even in the tough times
Favorite quotes: 
22:49 - “Nobody is perfect, and nobody has it all together.”
23:53 - “There are seasons of creating and seasons of promoting, and the seasons of promoting are really loud and public, but they are just not constant for anybody. “ 
24:51 - “There is still massive need in the world, and until there is not, you have work to do.”
25:16 - “It takes a while to get good at something, but most people spend so much time waiting to get started that they never even start the process.”
25:46 - “You have to get through that terrible part to get good at something.”
26:12 - “It takes time to build anything good.”
Links to great things we discussed:   
Stephanie May Wilson Website
Stephanie May Wilson Instagram
Create a Life You Love: How to Quiet Outside Voices So You Can Finally Hear Your Own
Girls Night Sweatshirt
Freedom App
Headache Hat
Ursa Major Golden Hour Face Moisturizer
OSEA Ocean Cleanser
Secret Superpower Quiz
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli Worthington. Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Coach.
Little Things Studio!
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Welcome back to Smart Girl Summer. Today, I'm with one of my favorite smart girls, Debra Fileta. She is an amazing counselor. She is an author many times over. She's a speaker, and she runs a network of Christian counselors. She's absolutely brilliant, and she is so kind, gracious, and loving. 
Today, you’ll get to know her a little bit more and learn how she got to where she is. You know I'm obsessed with the behind-the-scenes and all the things that nobody ever gets to talk about. That's what we're doing today, and I think you'll love it. 
Debra Fileta is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in dating, marriage, and relationship issues, along with a spectrum of mental health disorders and issues. She is also a speaker, and host of Talk to Me and the Love + Relationships podcasts. She is the author of six books, including her latest, RESET: Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life. 
Join Debra and I as we talk about:
Debra’s background and journey
Our fear of striving, where it comes from, and what to do about it
Living intentionally and taking action
Faithfulness to what is in front of you
Healthy parameters with social media
Favorite quotes: 
3:33 - “It's this idea of do you wait on God or do you take action as if they're two different things. But to me, waiting on God is a posture of my heart. It's not a passive posture. It's not sitting around twiddling my thumbs. It's being intentional and moving towards Him.”
4:14 - “I am responsible for doing all that I can do with the talents that God has given me, and then He's responsible for doing all that He can do. And when we both do that, really good things can happen.”
8:17 - “Living intentionally is living how God wants us to live.”
15:35 - “It takes that faithfulness to what's in front of you and then always going back to why am I doing this to begin with? Why am I actually doing this? I'm doing this because this is what God has called me to do. I'm doing this because I have a message that He's placed on my heart. And if I really believe that, then I need to be a good steward of sharing that message.”
27:42 - “Sometimes, the most thriving ministries are the ones that are the best in their business mentality because it's about growth. It's about being good stewards of what you have been given, not just winging it.”
31:55 - “I also feel like the more the Lord gives me, the more intentional I need to be with keeping my heart in the right place and just holding onto that attitude that this is really for Him.”
Recommendations (34:06 audio)
This week’s recommendation is an amazing foundation by IT Cosmetics - Bye Bye Foundation. It is what I love. It’s a broad spectrum SPF 50 that actually looks great on your skin. It’s very moisturizing and gives me an extra layer of sunscreen on my face.
For fun additional recommendations that come out from me once or twice a month, with books I’m reading, movies I’m watching and makeup I love, go to and take a quiz or download something free to get these Good Things emails, if you aren’t already receiving them.
Links to great things we discussed: 
Debra Fileta Website
Debra Fileta Instagram
Soul Care: *Find Life-Giving Rhythms *Live Restored *Avoid Burnout *Discover Unspeakable Joy
Bye Bye Foundation
Real Techniques Sponge
The Fall Guy
Inside Out 2
Hit Man
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Secret Superpower Quiz
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Alli Worthington. Bestselling Author, Speaker, Business Coach.
Little Things Studio!
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in Apple Podcasts and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Jul 22, 2024

This week, I’m with the wonderful Crystal Paine, otherwise known as Money-Saving Mom. Crystal and I started our online careers at similar times. We both pioneered what it looked like to be a mom and an entrepreneur and do it all surrounded by kids. 
Crystal has grown a brilliant company and is the epitome of a smart girl. Full disclosure, she is one of my business coaching clients - and I say that makes her even smarter. I'm thrilled for you to hear all the behind-the-scenes information of Crystal's business.
Crystal Paine is the founder of, host of The Crystal Paine Show podcast, and New York Times bestselling author of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode, and Money-Making Mom.
In her latest book, The Time-Saving Mom: How to Juggle a Lot, Enjoy Your Life, and Accomplish What Matters Most, Crystal offers practical steps, simplified systems, and time-saving hacks to help you wrap your time and energy around what matters most in your life — even when you feel pulled in a thousand different directions.
Join Crystal and I as we talk about:
Crystal’s background and journey
Making mistakes as you grow your business and learn from your failures
The importance of getting help and knowing when to say no
Ways to protect yourself from comparison
What is working best in 2024 - Social media insights you don’t want to miss!
Favorite quotes: 
6:50 - “There were a lot of failures, trials, errors, mistakes, and missteps along the way, but I look back and really feel like that was what set me up for success because I learned so much through making a lot of mistakes and doing things wrong.”
18:47 - “If I could go back and do it again, I would’ve gotten help way earlier, and I also wouldn’t have said yes to so many things.”
25:17 -  “In my own home, stepping away from the internet multiple times a day and having Sunday where I am offline has been so good for my soul.”
31:42 - “So doing a few things very strategically to just increase your engagement really makes a difference overall in what posts are being seen.”
36:35—”Go into building a business recognizing that there is going to be a lot of work on the front end and be willing to put in the work. I think a lot of people don’t succeed because they quit too soon.” 
Coaching this week (44:00 audio)
My Best Strategy for Overcoming Procrastination 
This week, I’m sharing a tip called negative visualization. It’s imagining what could happen if we don’t do something, letting us see the cost of inaction and makes us more likely to take that first step in work, health, or friendships. Pick one thing you’ve been putting off and start this today.
Recommendations (51:36 audio)
My fun recommendation this week is a little charger that goes on your keychain to charge your Apple watch. If you have the same problem I do, your Apple watch dies all the time. You can use it to charge your watch during the day so it’s charged when you need it.
Links to great things we discussed: 
Crystal Paine Website
Crystal Paine Instagram
The Crystal Paine Show
Promise Dreamy Mango Serum
The West Wing
Portable Keychain Charger for Apple Watch 
Secret Superpower Quiz
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! :)

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Welcome back to Smart Girl Summer. Today, I’m with a powerhouse of fun and brilliance, Havilah Cunnington. She was just recently on the show teaching us how to hear from God, and now she's sharing the behind-the-scenes of her work and her ministry. 
She runs the Christian non-profit - Truth to Table, and she doesn’t shy away from bringing you all the details. This is a dream episode of Smart Girl Summer. You’re going to love this one! 
Havilah Cunnington is a Bible teacher, author, small business owner, and itinerant speaker obsessed with helping people live the abundant life God has called them to live. 
Havilah’s new book, Created to Hear God: 4 Unique and Proven Ways to Confidently Discern His Voice, teaches that God speaks to each of us differently, and the key to understanding the unique way He speaks to us is through our prophetic personality.
Join Havilah and I as we talk about:
Building her nonprofit ministry
How important it is to have an email list
Protecting yourself from comparison
What’s working on social media in 2024
Starting new things and having a business coach
Favorite quotes: 
2:47 - “You better have a business mindset because it doesn’t just happen with the sprinkle of favor. It really has to be a conscious decision to build.”
18:10 - “Social media is still really great. Humor is working. Solving problems is really working and if you can still meet the need there, it’s great.”
20:26 - “You have to niche down. Keep niching until you find your people.”
22:29 - “Your reader, your listener, your viewer are asking what’s in it for me all the time. So that is the goal.”
24:01 - “Failure doesn’t always happen in the beginning. Failure happens when we don’t stop and assess if it still has value.”
Coaching this week: (33:63)
How to Take Action 
Action creates information. When you do something you learn from it. Don’t freeze up. Make a choice and move. Take action on all the good things that you know that you want to give it a try. It may not be perfect, but it will be progress. Keep moving. Keep learning. And keep growing.
Recommendations: (42:04)
My fun recommendation this week is about lashes. Lash View Self-adhesive lashes from Amazon, come in clusters of lashes. They simply stick to your lashes and they’re easy to put on and take off. These are great! 
Links to great things we discussed: 
Havilah Cunnington Website
Havilah Cunnington Instagram
Truth to Table
Created to Hear God: 4 Unique and Proven Ways to Confidently Discern His Voice
Maybelline Master Counter Palette
Perricone MD Face Finishing & Firming Tinted Moisturizer
Maybelline Super Stay Liquid Lipstick
LASHVIEW Self-Adhesive Lash Clusters Eyelashes
Secret Superpower Quiz
Create a Course
Alli on YouTube
Remaining You While Raising Them
Little Things Studio
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature. 
Hope you loved this episode!  Be sure to subscribe in Apple Podcasts and slap some stars on a review! :)


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